In this week's edition of the MyBizMailer Marketing Minute we've got some fun and interesting news pieces.
You'll get a behind the scenes real world look at Google Glass and the future of advertising, Gmail's New Tabs are still getting talked about but this team it's Google who's doing the talking, we played around with a funky cool email subject line generator that we know you'll love and more.
We've even worked in a creative brain break for you featuring this year's funniest talking ad animals Kim & Carl.
The Marketing Minute Quick Links
[INFOGRAPHIC] 10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Email Open Rates
The Future Of Advertising In Your Eyes Today: Google Glass & Field Trip
[TOOL] Subject Line Generator
Improve Email Open Rates With These Must-See Marketing Stats
Q&A With Google On The New Gmail Inbox Tabs
19 Content Marketing Experts Offer Their Best Advice
How to Gain Website Traffic Without Google [With Real World Example]
Google fights for right to read your private emails
Kim & Carl: This Year's Funniest Talking Ad Animals
The MyBizMailer Marketing Minute
[INFOGRAPHIC] 10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Email Open Rates
The nice people over at Sikich have been kind enough to put together a snazzy infographic sharing 10 easy ways to boost your email open rates.
Click here to check out the infographic...
The Future Of Advertising In Your Eyes Today: Google Glass & Field Trip
I am definitely putting a pair of Google Glass eyewear pieces on my Christmas wishlist. Their real world location based trigger messaging looks awesome! As marketers it may be a good idea to work more of Google's own properties into your marketing mix as there's no doubt that they will definitely have a bias for their own products once this launches.
Click here to read the article...
Improve Email Open Rates With These Must-See Marketing Stats
By now you probably know that I'm a huge stat nerd. And with weirdo stats like, "Instead of typing your name at the bottom of your emails, include a scanned signature. It makes the email more personal and improves open rates by 5x and click-through rates by almost 3.5x." how can you not be.
Click here to read the article...
Q&A With Google On The New Gmail Inbox Tabs
Since we wrote about Gmail's new tabbed inbox and what marketers can do to beat it back in mid-July there's been a truckload of coverage (and outrage) about it. Now we actually get to peep into the mind of one of the geniuses at google who's been a behind the scenes puppetmaster in regards to the new changes.
Click here to read the article...
19 Content Marketing Experts Offer Their Best Advice
Imagine having 19 of the best content marketers sit you down and give you their best content marketing tactics all in one session. That's exactly what you get in the article.
Click here to read the article...
How to Gain Website Traffic Without Google [With Real World Example]
Google isn't the only online traffic source in town. And nowadays it's getting harder to rank for competitive keyphrases or break into a new niche all together. It's even tougher to do so with a product based site. But that's exactly what the team over at Jigsoar did for an outdoor clothing company. And in this article they walk you through how they drove massive amounts of traffic to their site and didn't rely on the maniacal Google to do it.
Click here to read the article...
Cool Tool
I know, I know, technically this isn't a subject line generator. But it totally can be used as one. Even in the least it'll give you a truckload of ideas to use as springboards for your content marketing strategy.
Click here to give it a try...
Other News
Google fights for right to read your private emails. Click here to read the article...
Creative Brain Break: Kim & Carl - this year's Funniest Talking Ad Animals
P.S. MyBizMailer works behind the scenes to help drive your marketing goals. To a lot of people it may seem like magic (or as Carl the guinea pig puts "it's the devil") but there's no devil up in this here house. It's just smarter marketing at prices that won't break the bank.