[INFOGRAPHIC] 10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Email Open Rates

09 Sep 2013
Best Practices
Ian Marshall

How to get your emails opened

The nice people over at Sikich have been kind enough to put together a snazzy infographic sharing 10 easy ways to boost your email open rates.


10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Email Open Rates

1) Use a clean list of TARGETED, opted-in recipients (a person who is willing to go through the double-opt-in process is probably pretty interested in hearing wat you have to say)

2) Send from a REAL PERSON that recipients can reply to (nothing is more impersonal than seeing donotreply@oursuperawesomebiz.com in the from field of a newsletter)

3) Write a killer SUBJECT LINE (64% of people say they open an email because of the subject line)

4) Tell ’em what to EXPECT (Tell them how often you'll usually email them, what's the types of messages that they'll receive and maybe even ask them a question or two so you can better get to know each other)

5) Use an attention grabbing PREHEADER (With the rise of smart phones don't waste that valuable screen space and client attention on something like "Email not displaying properly? Click here to view it in your browser)

6) Display an early CALL-TO-ACTION. (Try to think above the fold when you're creating your next email marketing campaign)

7) Optimize it for MOBILE (Estimates are predicting that 78% of U.S. email user will check out their emails via a mobile device by the year 2017)

8) Don’t forget to PERSONALIZE (Remeber what Dale Carnegie taught us in How to Win Friends and Influence People? That, "A person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.")

9) GIVE RECIPIENTS CONTROL over opting in or out, frequency of emails and content they receive

10) ABT - Always be Testing. TEST, MONITOR AND ANALYZE

10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Email Open Rates

Looking for an even BIGGER version of this inforgraphic then click here.

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