We've gone with a new name for our weekly roundup message(it used to be called the Friday 5 and you can see the backlogs here, here, here, here, and here).
New name same great information though.
We're working hard to bring this best info out there to help you take your business to the next level.
Infographic: Send Out-of-this-World Emails
Epsilon's "Send Out-of-the-World Emails" infographic does a great job of bring together some really useful data about consumers and email marketing.
For example: Respondents said that an email having a coupon (80%), containing information about something new (61%), or being customized to their interests (58%) are very important.
The key trick for us as marketers is how to work this information into our next campaign.
Click here to read the article...
No, Gmail's Promotions Tab Didn't Just Kill Email Marketing
Gmails new tabbed inbox is still getting tons of buzz. We reported on it and what marketers can do to beat it a couple weeks back. And now even entrepreneur.com is dropping in on the subject.
Click here to read the article...
A Visual Guide to Keyword Targeting and On-Page Optimization
If you're looking for a mini-crash course in keyword targeting and on-page optimization to boost you rank in google then give this article a read. As well think about how you could create a resource like this for your niche.
Click here to read the article...
The Most-Missed Email Marketing Fail
I'm mad! Why? Because I really wanted to write this article. But the swift hand of copywriter Nicki Krawcyzk totally snatched it away from me. I'm glad she did because it's an issue that needed to be tackled.
Click here to read the article...
4 Questions To Ask Before Sending That B2B Email
Step away from the "Send Now" button and give this article a moment of your time. With these four simple questions you'll be able to slice the fat from your next campaign so it becomes a lean mean engagement machine.
Click here to read the article...
That's it for this issue. Hope you're having a great week.
The MyBizMailer Team
P.S. Did you know that we help businesses do their email marketing for less? You can check out our prices by clicking here.