The Marketing Minute - Issue 8

25 Sep 2013
Ian Marshall

In this week's edition of the MyBizMailer Marketing Minute you'll discover if The Gap's email marketing strategy is too aggressive, an Epic resource to practically become a conversion expert overnight, how a single button tripled revenue and more...


The MyBizMailer Top 5 Quick Links



The MyBizMailer Top 5



Is the Gap's Email Marketing Strategy Too Aggressive

Things started off well (impressive even) but quickly that feeling flipped to overwhelm and ultimately dread. In this article we go through the good and bad of The Gap's email marketing strategy.

Click here to read the article »

666 Fresh Conversion Rate Optimization Tips

If you're looking for a crash course in how to become a conversion rate expert practically overnight then this article is for you.

Click here to read the article »

24 Clever Print Ads

This collection of print ads is sure to spark the possibly dormant creative genius in you.

Click here to read the article »

How to Kill it on Facebook With TAGFEE

What is TAGFEE? How can you apply it to your business? And more importantly how can you come up with a FB marketing strategy that's actually going to work. In this article you'll learn how. 

Click here to read the article »

How We Tripled Our Revenue by Adding One Button

I love reading these types of case studies. It fascinates me that with one simple tweak you can possibly get HUGE results.

Click here to read the article »


UPDATE: Autoresponders 2.0 (Now Live!)

Put your email marketing on autopilot.

Autoresponders 2.0 are Live!

Wow. This update has been a long time coming. We've been chipping away at the core of MyBizMailer and one of the major changes we wanted to do was update our Autoresponders.

Well we're proud to announce that Autoresponders 2.0 have been released (insert ticker tape parade here).

With autoresponders you can really put your email marketing on autopilot.


Click here to find out more »

That's it for now. Hope you're having great week!

The MyBizMailer Team

Helping Businesses Do Email Marketing For Less. Click here to check out our latest prices. 


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