The Marketing Minute - Issue 10

08 Oct 2013
Ian Marshall

The MyBizMailer Marketing Minute - Issue 10

In this edition you'll learn some tricks to never run out of interesting facebook content ideas, how to decrease your delivery times to Yahoo, practically become a copywriter overnight and more...

The MyBizMailer Top 5 Quick Links

Yahoo Delivery Speeds - A Story in Two Parts

20+ Tips to Ensure You Never Run Out of Interesting Facebook Content Ideas

The Most Actionable SEO Tips Ever

The Definitive Guide to Copywriting

When Keyword (not provided) is 100 Percent of Organic Referrals, What Should Marketers Do?


The MyBizMailer Top 5


Yahoo Delivery Speeds - A Story In Two Parts

Deliverability to the major ISP's is a delicate dance. An ever changing ebb and flow of variables, indicators and influences. And when both partners are in-sync beautiful magic occurs. Learn how to get on Yahoo's good side and decrease the amount of time it takes your messages to land in your subscribers inboxes.

Click here to read the article »

20+ Tips to Ensure You Never Run Out of Interesting Facebook Content Ideads

You ever just stare and stare and stare at the status box in facebook? Hoping and praying that some form of divine revelation would strike. Inspiring you to pump out an endless supply of witty, likable and shareable content that your community will love (not cat pics). Well lightning has just struck.

Click here to read the article »

The Most Actionable SEO Tips Ever

Imagine being able to ask 47 of the World's Top SEO experts, "What is your absolute best, most actionable SEO tip?" and having the chance to really absorb that insider knowledge. Well my friends your dreams have just comr true.

Click here to read the article »

The Definitive Guide to Copywriting

I wish the title of this piece was something like, "Are your sales flatlining? Learn the secrets to reading minds, touching hearts, boosting your bottom line and becoming the most talked about brand in your niche." because the title of this piece is soooooo boring. But don't let this plain-vanilla title fool you - there's tons to learn from this epic resource. 

Click here to read the article »

When Keyword (not provided) is 100% of Organic Referrals, What Should Marketers Do?

Are you worried about the extremely troublesome and worrisome problem that Google has expanded "keyword (not provided)" potentially to 100% of all organic referrals? You should be. And here's some ideas on what you can do about it.

Click here to read the article »


UPDATE: The Email Marketing
Assessment Workbook

35+ Questions That Will Take Your Email Marketing
to a Whole New Level

(Instant Download: No Opt-in Required) 

The Email Marketing Assessment Workbook - Click here to download -

We've put together a 35+ Question workbook for you to help you make your email marketing programs amazing!

It's our gift to you for being a reader of this newsletter.

You'll delve deep into discovering:

* The needs of your subscribers
* Develop goals and targets for your email marketing
* Find the sweet spot for email frequency and more


Click here to instantly download your copy now »


That's it for now. Hope you're having great week!

The MyBizMailer Team

Helping Businesses Do Email Marketing For Less. Click here to check out our latest prices.

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