[INFOGRAPHIC] 30 Digital Marketing Stats You Shouldn't Miss

02 Oct 2013
Ian Marshall

I don't know about you but I love pouring over the latest industry stats. Seeing if there's some hidden gem of an idea buried deep within the numbers, stats and graphs.

But the key thing that I need to remind myself each and every time is "What's the one key idea or insight that I can take action on right now?"

And in this latest infographic from the nice people over at Optimind Technology we're given boatloads of juicy info that we can tease out and weave into our own marketing mix.


30 Digital Marketing Statistics You Shouldn't Miss 

Here's some of my favourite highlights from the full infographic (which is below):

* Email opens on smartphones and tablets have raised 80% over the last six months 

* The average return on email marketing investment" $44.25 for every dollar spent 

* 85% of people would rather provide and email for an ebook vs paying with a tweet

* The average content length for a web page that ranks in the top 10 results for any keyword on Google has at least 2000 words

* If a post is greater that 1500 words on average it receives 68.1% more tweets and 22.6% more facebook likes than a post that is under 1500 words

* Posts with a title length between 10 to 18 words are on average more linked to than those with less or more

* Using videos on landing pages can increase conversions by 86%

* 20% of people will read text while 80% of people will watch a video with the same exact content

* A consumer who views a product video is up to 144% more likely to add that product to his cart than a consumer who watches no video


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