7 Email Marketing Resolutions for an Awesome Year

08 Jan 2014
Ian Marshall

7 Email Marketing Resolutions for an Awesome Year 

Email marketing still has an awesome ROI (even though people keep saying it's dead - it's like Jason Bourne). And we wanted to share with you 7 key ideas that'll make 2014 your best year yet!


Click this link and tweet to us what your resolutions are → My 2014 #emailmarketing resolution are...


Email Marketing Resolutions for an Awesome Year



Get Trim

Lean and limber - it's good for the body and email marketing. Stressing out over the size of your list will not only give you ulcers but it's a giant waste of time. Carve out a few hours over the next few weeks to develop a "win-back" strategy. See if you can re-engage the subscribers on your list who haven't opened an email from you in the last 6 months. Can't win them back? Take a deep breath and delete them.


Get Personal

We're not sayng to go all Gary V and drop F-Bombs in your newsletters starting tomorrow. But we are saying to drop the corporate techno-babble. Be real with us. That's what we want. Add a bit more of yourself and your personality to your newsletters each and every month over the coming year.


Get Timely

There's major events that are relevant to the world and more importantly your audience. Tap into them and create campaigns that revolve around those times of the year. Sure there's the biggies like Xmas, New Years and Thanksgiving but what about Paperback book day. Have fun and work into your email marketing campaigns timely information that matters to your community.  


Get Relevant

Speaking of mattering to your community - what things are driving them nuts right now? What issues are hot for them? What's keeping them up at night? And what can you include in your email marketing campaigns that will help them solve those problems? 


Get Creative

Tap into the bursting motivation that the new year brings and channel it into creating a new look for your newsletter (super-easy to do with our new drag and drop editor). We're currently testing out 3 email formats for our newsletter. Get creative and see what you can come up with.


Get Organized

Does your email marketing strategy look more like a last minute hail mary pass? Hope is not a strategy. Grab a paper calendar, a  pen and draft out your email marketing calendar for the year.


Get Detailed

It's BIS (butt in seat) time - so get comfy. Cancel your appointments, turn off notifications and hold your calls. Do what you can to create a buffer between you and the rest of the world so you can pour over last years email marketing stats. Compare some campaigns (easy to do with our new smart reporting). Which campaign types had the best open rates? What kind of call to actions delivered the best click throughs? Tease out some insights and use them this year.


Tweet to us what your resolutions are by clicking this link → My 2014 #emailmarketing resolutions are...


The MyBizMailer Team

P.S. In the market for a new Email Marketing platform? Check out our awesome prices!

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