Blogs Tagged: frequency

The 4 Week Formula to Boost Your Revenue and Make Your Subscribers Happy

12 Nov 2013
Best Practices
Ian Marshall

4 week email marketing formula

"Isn’t that too many messages to send out to my subscribers?"

We see it all the time – businesses literally shaking in their boots if they consider sending out more than their standard once a month newsletter.

And we understand...

You always want to treat your email subscribers with the utmost respect.

But you have to remember that you're also running a business. One that needs to generate revenue in order to actually stay in business.

And one of the greatest and most effective ways to do that is through email marketing.

In particular by increasing your email marketing frequency.

I know there will be naysayers and purists out there that will bring up topics like "list fatigue" and "subscriber churn rates" but let’s put a pin in those topics for a second.

We think we've addressed those concerns and more with The 4 Week Email Marketing Formula.

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Is the Gap's Email Marketing Strategy Too Aggressive?

24 Sep 2013
Best Practices
Ian Marshall

I recently signed up to The Gap's newsletter to see how they're handling their email marketing.

I "Officially" opted into their list on Friday September 13th.

Things started off well but as we moved into the next week a different type of picture emerged.

By the time Friday the 20th hit (one week later) I was already burnt out from the amount of messages they had sent me.

Here's a look at my inbox...

The Gap's Email Marketing Strategy is Jamming Up my inbox

They started off strong. Welcoming me to their mailing list. The email looked good (you can see it below). They gave me a discount for becoming a subscriber and I could use it right away. I even liked their "Free Shipping" callout in the top right corner of their message.

I was pleasantly surprised. Things were off to a good start. 

But that quickly changed to dread and overwhelm...

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6 Fundamental Stategies to Boost Your Email Marketing

17 Jun 2013
Best Practices
Ian Marshall

Email Marketing Best Practices

Let’s take a brief look at some of the techniques and practices that email marketers use when preparing a newsletter. These best practices can make the difference between rapidly growing your list,  increase your sales, build strong relationships with customers, lose subscribers to list attrition, irritate customers, and getting your messages blocked before it even reaches your recipients’ inboxes. For the majority of us; most emails received are junk emails. As a result, recipients have developed a routine which they follow when opening emails daily. Continue Reading