The Marketing Minute - Issue 4

28 Aug 2013
Ian Marshall

The MyBizMailer Marketing Minute - Issue 4

This week is a well rounded week when it comes down to email and internet marketing news. We've got some great email marketing articles, Facebook is at it again with another update, and a beefy piece on how to build a Top 100 blog in 12 months (click here to read Issue 3 of the Marketing Minute).

Marketing Minute Quick Links

(Instant Download) The Email Marketing Assessment Workbook

How Email Marketing Is Like Dating

Google Analytics Email Marketing Dashboard For Beginners

Facebook Now Allowing Contests & Sweepstakes After Updating Their Page Guidelines

How I Built A Top 100 Blog In 12 Months & How You Can Do It Too!

Secret Ingredients of Better Marketing


The Marketing Minute

How Email Marketing Is Like Dating

In this article Erik Severinghaus teaches us how email marketing is so much like the dating process. You'll be walked through the 3 main phases of a great email marketing program - the Ice Breaker, the 1st Date, and the Long Term Reationship.

Click here to read the article... 

Google Analytics Email Marketing Dashboard For Beginners

Looking for a way to dive deep and take control of your email marketing campaigns? The you'll want to read this article from Carrie Hill.

Click here to read the article...

Facebook Now Allowing Contests & Sweepstakes After Updating Their Page Guidelines

Facebook has been on a tear lately releasing tons of updates (FB Post Bumping). Now they've given page owners some additional control to ramp up their marketing campaigns. 

Click here to read the article...

How I Built A Top 100 Blog In 12 Months & How You Can Do It Too!

Want to make your blog one of the most visited sites in the world? Who doesn't right. Well walks you through, step by step how he turned his site from ghost town to having 632,452 page views, 31,715 hours/3.6 years spent reading his posts, Won 5 major awards and generate $73,334.09 profit.

Click here to read the article... 

Secret Ingredients of Better Marketing

I think I may start creating some slideshare decks to work into the MyBizMailer marketing mix. Why? Because I really enjoyed this one created by Rand Fishkin on the Secret Ingredients of Better Marketing

Click here to check it out...


UPDATE: Download Your Free Email Marketing Assessment Workbook

The Email Marketing Assessment Workbook

35+ Questions That Will Take Your Email Marketing
to a Whole New Level
(Instant Download: No Opt-in Required)

The Email Marketing Assessment WorkbookWe’ve put together a 35+ Question workbook for you to help you make your email marketing programs amazing!

It’s our gift to you for being a reader of this blog.

You’ll delve deep into discovering:

• The needs of your subscribers
• Develop goals and targets for your email marketing
• Find the sweet spot for email frequency and more

Click here to download your Email Marketing Assessment Workbook now (no opt-in required).

Download The Email Marketing Assessment Workbook

Click here to download the email marketing Assessment Workbook Now


That's it for now.

Hope you have a great week!

The MyBizMailer Team

P.S. Thinking about switching your Email Marketing Service Provider? We'll help you do your email marketing for less. Check out our competitive prices here.

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