Here's this weeks roundup of the best and most interesting email and internet marketing news, views and insights. We're working hard to keep you informed about what's going on in the online marketing space so you can take your business to the next level.
This week the big topic was the rollout of gmail's new tabbed inbox. It seems to have the world divided. You'll also learn how to create an ebook in 3 hours, feed that empty bellied content marketing beast and look into the future.
Tab Attack - Gmail's New Inbox and What Marketers Can Do To Beat It
Google has gone and done two things with their new tabbed inbox: 1) They've made user lives a little bit better 2) They've made marketers lives miserable (mainly because of uncertainty). Discover what you can do as a marketer to really maximize on this huge disruptive change to a lot of peoples inbox.
Click here to read the article...
3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Sweat Email Unsubscribes
It hurts deep inside. Every time someone unsubscribes from our email list a little piece of me dies each time. And even though I tell myself not to - I take it personally each and every time.
If you're like me than this article will help you see things from a very different perspective.
Click here to read the article...
Write, design, and publish an ebook in three hours
Having trouble crafting and creating that eBook for your opt-in bribe? This team did it from start to finish in just three hours.
Click here to read the article...
6 Marketing Trends to Watch in 2013: New Research
Want to stay on the bleeding edge of what's happening in the internet marketing world? Then check out this article which showcases 6 marketing trends that seem to be shaping the future of online marketing right now.
Click here to read the article...
11 Amazing Tools For Generating Blog Topic Ideas
Content marketing is hard work. It's an empty bellied beast that never seems to get full no matter how much you feed it. If you're looking for an ultra-easy way to come up with truck loads of blog topic ideas to cook up some tasty content then this post is for you.
Click here to read the article...
That's it for this week. Wishing you high open, click through and engagement rates.
The MyBizMailer Team