The 4 Week Formula to Boost Your Revenue and Make Your Subscribers Happy

12 Nov 2013
Best Practices
Ian Marshall

4 week email marketing formula

"Isn’t that too many messages to send out to my subscribers?"

We see it all the time – businesses literally shaking in their boots if they consider sending out more than their standard once a month newsletter.

And we understand...

You always want to treat your email subscribers with the utmost respect.

But you have to remember that you're also running a business. One that needs to generate revenue in order to actually stay in business.

And one of the greatest and most effective ways to do that is through email marketing.

In particular by increasing your email marketing frequency.

I know there will be naysayers and purists out there that will bring up topics like "list fatigue" and "subscriber churn rates" but let’s put a pin in those topics for a second.

We think we've addressed those concerns and more with The 4 Week Email Marketing Formula.

But before we reveal what that formula is we have a question for you…

Are you trying to pack too much into your newsletter?

It's a good question to ask. And most businesses would probably say yes (if no one was in the room with them).

There's just far too much going on in the standard monthly newsletters that go out from most businesses. And another thing to consider is the fact that you're letting 30 days of silence and disconnection happen between each newsletter you send out.

In today’s fast paced world that may be 21 days too much.

So how can you increase your email frequency without having everyone click the unsubscribe button?

A simple solution to the conundrum of boosting revenue and not burning out your subscribers is the 4 Week Formula. It's a simple 4 week schedule that will not only make your subscribers happy – it will also help to boost your bottom line.

The 4 Week Email Marketing Formula Would Look Something Like This


Week 1: A straight promo piece. Pure offer here. Something that you'll be promoting for the month. Let the email do the compelling directing them to a webpage

Call to action thumbnail smallthat does the selling. Use a clear and distant call to action.

Here's a quick thumbnail shot of an offer we sent out recently. Can you spot the call to action button? 

Even in this tiny thumbnail to the right you can see the spot where we'd like people to click on. No mistaking it there.

Week 2: A stellar, make your subscribes lives/businesses better newsletter piece. Your subscribers have certain hopes, fears and circumstances that drive them nuts. How can you help them (for free) via the content you offer in your newsletter.

Remember to include a soft "offer reminder" for the product or service you promoted the week before. 

Week 3: A roundup, content curation piece of relevant news that would benefit your subscribers in some way from around the web.

This email also includes a soft "offer reminder" for the product or service you promoted in Week 1 & 2.

Week 4: Last week promo piece reminder. (Pretty much the same email you sent in Week 1 tweaked to reflect the looming end of the offer.)

So "technically" all you have to create is 3 actual emails for the month.

Easily Schedule & Send Your 4 Week Formula

The great thing about using a platform like MyBizMailer is that you can work once and have your messages sent out automatically for you.


By using the schedule and send functionality.

Here’s a quick look:

Schedule & Send snapshot

With just a couple of clicks you can have queued and ready to go out all the messages you created in the 4 Week Formula.

All those wise business guru’s keep preaching to "Work smarter - not harder."

By using the 4 Week Email Marketing Formula with MyBizMailer you can do just that.

Hope that helps and that you're having a great week!

The MyBizMailer Team

P.S. You've made it this far, why not check out our low prices for yourself

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