4 Email Marketing Hacks For BIG Results

11 Feb 2014
Best Practices
Ian Marshall

4 email marketing hacks for BIG results
Sometimes it's the little things…

Tiny little tweaks that can make the biggest impact.

Daily I see companies of every size messing up their email marketing. So right now I'm on a mission to help.

So below you'll find 4 simple to implement hacks that you can quickly use to help boost your open and engagement rates.

1) Maximize Your Snippets

One of the most critical components of your email marketing campaigns is getting your Subject Line and Snippets right.

The email snippet is that little blurb that is displayed after the subject line in most email clients.

Tons of times you'll see this prime real estate taken up with:

•    Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser
•    Having trouble viewing this email? Click here.
•    No longer want to receive these messages? Click here.

Such a wasted opportunity.

There’s two simple workarounds for this…

A) Put in a teaser line at the very top of your email.

B) Poke into your HTML code and insert a teaser between your <title></title> tags

Here’s an example using the WYSIWYG editor

Title tag as a teaser

2) Choose the Right From Name

I know we're all trying to connect that personal feel with our brands but would you open an email from Charles Moffat if it showed up in your inbox?

Doubt it.

Even though Charles may be the CEO of your company and a really super guy I probably have no clue who he is and will avoid your email like the plague.

You're better off changing the from name to that of your company or even Charles @ SuperAwesomeCompany

Give your subscribers some idea of who's sending them the messages.

3) ALT Tag Mastery

More and more businesses are going heavy on the use of images in their newsletters.

If that sounds like the direction you’re going in then please make use of the ALT tag feature.

Fill in the alt text field

Put call to actions in there. Get cheeky or creative. Or even just ask for your subscribers to turn their images on.

Here’s an example from a recent campaign we did…

Example of email with images turned off

4) One Mission Per Message

I know – we're all too busy nowadays. And it's because of that busyness that we see so many campaigns that try and jam-pack way too much into their messages.

Slow down – breathe and trim the fat.

Go for 1 mission per email message.

When you're drafting up your next email blast ask yourself, "What is the most important thing I want my subscribers to see?" then focus on that.

Here's an example of that same email from earlier with images turned on…

One mission per message example

Can you guess what I wanted our subscribers to do?

Yep – click on that BIG blue button and read the blog post.

Sure below that top section is some soft selling, a call to action to connect with us on facebook and twitter, and a link to another article, but the main mission of that message is to get our subscribers to check out the article.

Simple, in your face and effective.

Kaizen and Email Marketing

Small, improvements over time lead to stunning results. And with these four we know that you see immediate improvements in your next email marketing campaign.

Hope you’re having a fantastic week!

The MyBizMailer Team

P.S. Looking to save some money on your email marketing? Then check out our new prices.

Reader Comments

Abhishak Agnihotri says:
February 18 2014 at 12:55

want to do e mail marketting of my real estate business

Ian Marshall says:
February 19 2014 at 10:01

Hey there Abhishak, Would love to answer any questions you may have about email marketing. Give me a call 1-888-98-EMAIL Ian

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