5 Major Trends Shaping the Next Year of Email Marketing

17 Dec 2013
Best Practices
Ian Marshall

5 Email Marketing Trends Shaping the Next Year of Email Marketing

Wouldn’t it be awesome to be able to see into the future? To know now what type of plans and strategies you can put in place to tap into emerging trends. Insights that’ll put you at the front of the pack.

Well guess what my friend – your wish has been granted.

Below you’ll find 5 major trends that will shape the next year in the email marketing space.

Use them, tweak them and make them your own.

Here’s a quick list of the 5 Major Trends:

1) Less Words – More Visuals
2) The Rise of Pretty Plain Text Single Shot Emails
3) Engagement Matters
4) Increased Frequency
5) Mobile Scalable


Less Words – More Visuals

Did you know that 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual? And that we process visual information waaaaay faster than text?

Tap into how our brains work by slicing and dicing words from your emails.

Make them short, to the point, with strong and clear call to actions and visually impactful.

Here's an example of one of our latest campaigns:

Visually Impactful Newsletter

(Click here to Check out the Hottest Email Marketing Posts of 2013)


The Rise of Pretty Plain Text Single Shot Emails

This trend is in direct contradiction to the above – and that's what makes it so interesting.

We’re not saying that longer content based emails won’t work – they’re just adapting.

Most small businesses try to pack way too much information into their email marketing messages. 

This trend is starting to shift.

I believe that you’ll see more and more businesses adopt this pretty plain text style into their email marketing mix.

And you’ll start to see more hyper-focused messages. 1 topic per mailer.

What’s a Pretty Plain Text style email you ask?

It’s an HTML formatted email that looks like a plain text one but gives you more control over how your text and links are handled.

Here’s an example…

Pretty Plain Text Email

These types of emails seem personal. Like you're part of a one-to-one conversation with a friend.

Look to receive more and more of these old-school type of marketing messages in your inbox over the coming months.


Engagement Matters

ISP's like Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo use frighteningly smart filtering algorithms. These algorithms collect data on each and every campaign you send into their network. 

They keep track of things like:

• How many of your subscribers opened your campaigns
• How many of your subscriber opened the same message repeatedly
• How many of those people clicked on your links
• How often your messages are dug out of spam boxes like prospectors digging for gold.
• How frequently your messages are being forwarded

They then create a little sender persona for you based on all this wizardry.

And each and every time you send a new message into their network they do a quick once-over of that file and decide how they’re going to treat your messages.

In the coming months – more and more savvy email marketers will start to pay increasing attention to understanding and getting a laser like focus on the topics, ideas and content that their subscribers are looking for.

You’ll see an increase in email marketing pieces that are crafted around timely topics that subscribers are craving.

(Want to increase your sending and not break the bank? Click here to check out our prices.)


Increased Frequency

Taking a whole month between messages is going to wreak havoc on your bottom line.

I think you’ll start to see more and more businesses either ditch the traditional newsletter as a whole or dish it out in smaller chunks to their communities.

If you’re looking for a handy roadmap on creating weekly messages that your subscribers want to devour then check out this piece:

You’ll begin to see a rise in the frequency of messages being sent out to subscribers. Weekly communications will start to emerge as the norm.

(Click here to check out the Four Week Formula to Boost Your Revenue and Make Your Subscribers Happy)


Mobile Scalable

It's estimated that by the end of this year:

• 6% of the global population will own a tablet (my 80 year old Grandmother has one)
• 22% will own smartphones

How does your email marketing messages look on them?

I'm not talking about whiz-bangy responsiveness(even though you can do that with our New Drag & Drop Editor).

A key question to answer is, "Do our email campaigns look good on mobile, tablet and desktop?"

Moving forward this is essential.

That's it for now.

Wishing you high open, click through and conversion rates!

The MyBizMailer Team



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