The Marketing Minute - Issue 12

23 Oct 2013
Ian Marshall

The MyBizMailer Marketing Minute Issue 12

In this week's edition we reveal ways to use email remarketing to send your conversion rates through the roof, we do some email marketing myth busting, learn how to boost conversions by 181% with a simple tweak to how you approach your copy and more...

We've got two bonus news pieces for you this week as well. Why? Well, to quote Dr. Suess, "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." and we want you to go far with your online marketing.

The MyBizMailer Top 5+2 Quick Links

(INFOGRAPHIC) 7 Myths of Email Marketing - Busted!

Is Email Marketing or Twitter More Effective to Reach Potential Users?

Email Marketing: Promotional vs Letter-Style Test Increases Conversions by 181%

11 Content Marketing Lessons Learned from 20 of the Most Popular Blogs on the Planet

The Power of Email Remarketing

7 Big, Recent Twitter Changes You Should Know About to Optimize Your Tweeting

News for Page Owners: The New Version of Page Insights is Here


The MyBizMailer Top 5


(INFOGRAPHIC) 7 Myths of Email Marketing - Busted

Did you know that 85% of opens happen 2 days after receiving an email? Or that 32% of purchases take place 2 weeks after an email is sent? We know that each niche has their own variances but there's tons of fascinating insights for you to discover from this infographic.

Click here to view the infographic »

Is Email Marketing or Twitter More Effective to Reach Potential Users?

The answer revealed in this post is not what you'd expect it to be. But it's a question that we get asked all the time in various forms and flavours. It's a problem tons of businesses face each and every day.

Click here to read the article »

Email Marketing: Promotional vs. Letter-Style Test Increases Conversions by 181%

Want to learn a simple tweak that you can use right now in your to boost your email marketing conversions by 181%? (Who doesn't right?). Well then this article is for you.

Click here to read the article »

11 Content Marketing Lessons Learned from 20 of the Most Popular Blogs on the Planet

Imagine being able to tap into the mind of the genius behind the explosive traffic growth of 20 of the most popular blogs on the planet. It would be awesome right? Well in this article you'll discover the ideas and insights one man used to drive these sites from obscurity to like a kagillion visits per day.

Click here to read the article »

The Power of Email Remarketing

"The average time between first visit and first purchase is 33 hours and 54 minutes." has to be one of the most interesting statistics I've come across this week. This article walks you what email remarketing is and how to use it to immediately send your conversion rates through the roof.

Click here to read the article »


Social Media Bonus Bits

Twitter and Facebook have been flying under the radar lately. But they've been quietly rolling out some updates that we thought you should know about...

7 Big, Recent Twitter Changes You Should Know About to Optimize Your Tweeting

News for Page Owners: The New Version of Page Insights is Here

That's it for now. Hope you're having a great week!

The MyBizMailer Team

Helping Businesses Do Email Marketing For Less. Click here to check out our latest prices.

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