Blogs Tagged: email

Steal Twitter's Email Marketing Strategy

17 Apr 2014
Best Practices
Ian Marshall

Twitter's email marketing strategy

Twitter uses email marketing BIG time.

And in this week’s blog post we pick apart their email marketing strategy. Revealing 3 key ideas that you can use right now to help you take your own email marketing to the next level.

Twitter sends me a truck load of emails. Sometimes multiple messages in a day.

Sure some of it’s straight up notifications letting me know every time someone new has connected with us on twitter.

But more often than not it’s some form of marketing piece (done in a totally ninja way).

There’s 3 major ways twitter uses email marketing.

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18 Feb 2014
Best Practices
Ian Marshall

Email Engagement Factors

I was surprised to see the message in my spam folder.

I had signed up to their newsletter about 3 months ago. And sure I hadn't opened up an email from them in a little while. But I WANT to get their messages.

Looking through my spam folder I found even more of their messages there.

They were a legitimate sender. I had gone through the double opt-in process to get on their list - but still the high tech wizardry that runs my inbox was deeming their messages as spam.


The reason is a serious one. Something that I don't see many people talking about. It's something that is happening silently behind the scenes. A new thing that the big dogs like Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail are doing now. Something so subtle that most businesses don’t even notice that it's happening.

But it is – and it's impacting your business whether you know it or not.

So what's going on? And what can you do as a savvy email marketer to make some course corrections? Tweaks to ensure you're not blindsided by these quiet and mysterious changes?

First let's talk about what’s going on…

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