Email Marketing Goes Back to School - The Email Marketing Assessment Workbook

27 Aug 2013
Best Practices
Ian Marshall

I’ve never met kids like my own. They’re weird. They love school. Even before they could go to school they were stoked about the idea of it.

And as the sun starts to set on their summer vacation they’re revved up once again to go back to class.

Which got me to thinking about teachers. And all the prep and planning that they do in order to teach a class for a year. Which really is no different than everything that goes into having a successful email marketing program for your business.

As marketers there’s a bunch of things we can learn from these unsung heroes. 

Which is what inspired us to create the Email Marketing Assessment Workbook.

The Email Marketing Assessment Workbook

35+ Questions That Will Take Your Email Marketing to a Whole New Level

The Email Marketing Assessment WorkbookWe’ve put together a 35+ Question workbook for you to help you make your email marketing programs amazing!

It’s our gift to you for being a reader of this blog.

You’ll delve deep into discovering:

• The needs of your subscribers
• Develop goals and targets for your email marketing
• Find the sweet spot for email frequency and more

Click here to download your Email Marketing Assessment Workbook now (no opt-in required).

Download The Email Marketing Assessment Workbook

Click here to download the email marketing Assessment Workbook Now

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