The Silent Signature Sales Machine

24 Jun 2013
Best Practices
Ian Marshall

email signatures


It amazes me to see so many people who don't actually include an email signature with their emails. This is a HUGE missed opportunity for business.

A little email signature hack that I don't see many people doing but is totally a ninja-tactic to generating more buzz and business is to turn your email signature into a silent sales machine.


The Silent Signature Sales Machine 

What do I mean?

They best way is to show you. Here's the signature for my email:

MyBizMailer Silent Sales Machine Signature


Did you notice the last sentence? Get your own "Forever Free" Account -

That's an offer right at the bottom of my email. So each and every message I send out silently makes this offer to every person I'm in contact with(and that's a lot of people).


Create Your Own Silent Signature Sales Machine

So what can you do to spruce up your signature and maybe even include your own silent sales machine message?

What kind of low cost-high perceived value offer can your come up with to get people curious enough to check out your website and maybe just maybe even take you up on your offer?


What Most People Have As Their Signatures

Of the 52% of professionals polled here's a list of the usual items that most professionals include in their email signatures:

What's in most people's email signatures


What's even more amazing to me is that there's no mention of a business website let alone a silent sales machine offer.

These amazing an interesting stats came from the infographic, "Anatomy of an Email Signature" but together by WriteThat.Name.

Email Signatures Infographic


, email hacks

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