I was surprised to see the message in my spam folder.
I had signed up to their newsletter about 3 months ago. And sure I hadn't opened up an email from them in a little while. But I WANT to get their messages.
Looking through my spam folder I found even more of their messages there.
They were a legitimate sender. I had gone through the double opt-in process to get on their list - but still the high tech wizardry that runs my inbox was deeming their messages as spam.
The reason is a serious one. Something that I don't see many people talking about. It's something that is happening silently behind the scenes. A new thing that the big dogs like Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail are doing now. Something so subtle that most businesses don’t even notice that it's happening.
But it is – and it's impacting your business whether you know it or not.
So what's going on? And what can you do as a savvy email marketer to make some course corrections? Tweaks to ensure you're not blindsided by these quiet and mysterious changes?
First let's talk about what’s going on…
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