Does Gmail Hate Email Marketers? (They release a fast unsubscribe feature)

06 Mar 2014
Best Practices
Ian Marshall

Gmail's New Fast Unsubscribe Feature

Google has sure been paying a lot of attention to Gmail lately.

Be it the tabbed inbox, the top-secret inbox engagement algorithm and now a fast unsubscribe feature.

Don't know about the "Fast Unsubscribe" feature?

Gmail's New Fast Unsubscribe Feature
Technically they released this many moons ago – back in 2009. They made a mess of things on the first release. As you can see from the image below, yes you could quickly unsubscribe from a mailing list, but doing so would automatically send a spam report to gmail as well. After a firestorm of feedback they quickly changed this.

Old Gmail Fast Unsubscribe Feature
Another iteration of the "Fast Unsubscribe" featured had already been in place before the new more prominent style that's currently being rolled out by Gmail but was pretty much hidden. An "unsubscribe from this sender" link was tucked away in the details dropdown. Most people found it difficult to recognize that link and ended up marking promo emails as spam, even though the majority of those emails were from legitimate senders.

Gmail is hoping that this modified and more prominent "Fast Unsubscribe" feature should help to minimize spam complaints being lodged against legitimate senders.

Should you be worried about Gmail's New "Fast Unsubscribe" Feature?

Absolutely not.

Making it easy for people to opt-out of your email campaigns is better for you in the long run. Like we talked about in, “What Gmail Doesn’t Want You to Know” ISP’s are moving toward engagement metrics.

So it's better for you to have a list that is made up of people who actually want to receive your messages.

You want to be a welcome guest and helpful friend. Not a nuisance.

It may take some time to get used to this contrarian approach to managing your list. But having a list of people who open, read, click share and look forward to your messages will ultimately be one of the best assets your business can have.

Hope you're having a great week!

The MyBizMailer Team

P.S We'd love to help you save BIG with your email marketing. You've read this far - why not have a peak at our prices

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